Sutton Enterprises

Quotes to Start 2017

May 8, 2017

Giving and receiving criticism can create some of the most stressful work situations. However, if done correctly criticism can be a valuable tool in improving our own performance, as well as the performance of others.

Criticism is a two-way process. Giving and receiving criticism are two sides to a coin. One reason people avoid giving feedback is that they feel uncomfortable receiving it. Sometimes they fear that the person they are criticizing will criticize them right back, So they avoid the situation. Some people may also fear damaging relationships they have established by hurting people's feelings or making them angry.

So actions to take when receiving criticism

•Listen to the critic and repeat back the criticism
•Ask the critic to be specific
•Offer or ask for a solution to the problem
Remember the key differences between constructive and destructive criticism is that constructive criticism solves the problem and helps people improve relationships. It builds trust and strengthens relationships. Destructive criticism can hurt people and does not solve problems and destroys relationships. It can increase stress and cause additional conflicts and drama.
If we can receive criticism without becoming upset, flustered, or defensive then we avoid unnecessary stress and provide ourselves with an opportunity for self-development.

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