Sutton Enterprises

POSH Prevention of Sexual Harassment - Here We Go Again!

January 28, 2019

Since 1987, Sutton Enterprises has developed and delivered Prevention of Sexual Harassment training (POSH).  I thought after the first round of training after Tailhook people would get the message, but it seems every twenty years it becomes popular again. Remember Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill?

In the wake of MeToo, states and cities have upped the requirements for harassment prevention training, with four states now requiring training not only of managers but of all employees.  As of January 1, 2019, 20% of the US population lives in states with anti-harassment training mandates, and another 15% live in municipalities that strongly suggest or encourage such training.

As the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission stated in its 2016 Report from the Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace, prevention is the best tool to eliminate sexual harassment and all harassment in the workplace. 

Some employers think that they need to provide harassment prevention training only where statutes are requiring such training. The 2016 EEOC report said that “training should be conducted and reinforced on a regular basis for all employees.” 

Well, think in terms of creating a respectful work environment. Conduct training not only to prevent liability but, more importantly, to create a respectful workplace, where all employees are valued and feel free to complain.  Cover not only sexual harassment, but also harassment based on race, religion, age, sexual orientation, and other protected criteria. Focus on personal and corporate values, as well as the law. 

Check out the states


Required Suggested/Encouraged
California Colorado
Connecticut Hawaii
Delaware Maryland
Maine Massachusetts
New York City (4/19) New Jersey
New York State Ohio
  Rhode Island

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